Friday, May 18, 2007

Tomorrow, tomorrow, my graduation is tomorrow

I'm going to try this again. I tried to post three times yesterday and blogger kept messing my post up. So here goes again...

I have 15 hours 41 minutes 2 seconds until GRADUATION!!
Can you tell I'm just a little excited? I have only waited, what 23 years to get here? I ended up with a 3.1 GPA. That is counting the very awesome grades I received the last 2 1/2 years at PSU and the terrible grades I received back 23 years ago---which did not help my GPA at all. at all.
I had straight A's this year. YAY!
I would like to also brag on PSU. It is a GREAT school! I went to UCO in Edmond, which at the time was CSU (Central State University) which I hated.
Hope to post grad pics soon!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

It's almost over!

I am soooo ready to be finished. I can't believe it is May! This year has gone by so fast and now it is almost summer. I haven't posted in such a long time it seems, I have been so busy trying to get my Professional Portfolio, and Teacher Work Sample finished, Plus student teaching.
I took my PLT and Content test last Saturday. I have no idea how I did, it was one of those, "It wasn't really hard, but it was very confusing tests" I hate when there are two answers that could be THE one, but you can only choose the BEST one. The Content was 110 MC questions, the PLT was two hours of nothing but writing essays, and around 23 MC on that one too.
I was so happy when it was over. I won't know how I did until three more weeks. I will be ecstatic if I just pass one of them! Two would be great, but I will take one!

I turned my first application and Resume' in last week too. I hope to get an interview soon because I really want to work at that school.

I am going to go finish watching Survivor. TTL