Thursday, March 31, 2005

Back again

Here I am back again, just want to say I too went to the Big Fancy Casino on Ladies night and didn't win a thing! Hi Courtney!!! I'm a looser too!!! I went on several machines and don't think I even hit more than 3 times. I just watched the $10 bucks they gave me dwindle to nothing. The blackjack tables looked very inviting but I didn't bring money with me. The smart thing to do!!
We didn't go to the Passion play there was too much going on this weekend.
My Math test I took last week we got back Monday. Ok-listen to this- this is a Math class about elementary math. We received our tests back and she will let us correct the ones that we missed for 1/2 credit. BUT, we have to fill out a form for each problem we missed stating 1) why we missed it 2)the correct answer 3)two places we found the answer If we don't state #3 we lose 10% of the points we are earning. GET REAL! We are college students, not second graders. Like we don't have anything else to do with our time. This class is driving me crazy. If I ever graduate it will be a miracle. This semester has been a nightmare, but only 1 month left this semester. YEA!
About the garage sale we are having it the middle of April. So at least I will have time and not stress about it. We are having it at our house. It has been so windy here the last 2 days and everyone's trash blows in our yard. I picked up trash yesterday in our yard, we are on a busy street and here's our trashy yard and it isn't even our trash. Then I notice the neighbors trash blowing out of their cart into our yard. So being the nice neighbor I am I throw it back into their yard so they won't miss it when they get home from work. :)
Well, need to go read some more of my wonderful smutty book and get to bed.


Redneck Diva said...

Shannon!!! You're a blogger!!!

And Heather tried to tell me over the weekend that Courtney and I were the only bloggers in Miami! I am SO going to correct her now.

Keep it up. I've bookmarked and blogrolled you!

Shannon said...

I am a slacking blogger!
I love reading yours and Courtneys blogs, they are hilarious!
Thanks for reading and I will try to keep it up.