Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I have too much to do!

Here I sit doing nothing!
I did stick addresses, fold, stuff, stamp and put return addresses on over 100 newsletters and envelopes for AWS last night though. Time to pay dues for the year! :)
*We turned our air conditioner on today. I couldn't take it anymore. I can't believe running the air in November??!
*I have so much to do! My house is in dire need of decluttering, I figure I can sit on the floor and declutter still staying on semi-bedrest.
*Our dryer decided to smell like burning something or other a couple of days ago. I just love hanging clothes up to dry-nice and crunchy socks, ya thats what I like. Yes, I am being sarcastic. for the ones that don't know the real me. :) Hopefully we can find one soon.
*I wish I could work right now, we need Christmas money! Brady will be getting a new bike, which he will have to keep put up in safe keeping, since his other one got stolen. The people across the street had nice new bikes--why didn't they get theirs? Brady was in need of a new one anyway but WHY steal my little boys bike? Ok, Ok. He also wants a small pool table. The older they get the harder they are to buy for. Boys don't usually want clothes for Christmas.
*3 months, 1 week and 6 days, until Trey will be here!! That is if he is born on Feb 21. I can't believe it is going by soooo fast. It is unreal.
*The new Harry Potter will be out next weekend! And yes I plan on going. It looks like it is going to be very very good.

Thats all for now, maybe more later. I had to go back and make some bullets. My post made no sense at all. ha


~ A P R I L ~ said...

When you get your house decluttered lemme know cause mine needs to be next. LOL

Sorry to hear about the lil man's bike. Be sure to register the new one with the Miami Police Department, they have some new bicycle registration thing going now. There was a big write up in the paper not too long ago... Oh and if "Santa" gets it from Wal-Mart I think they register them there too!!