Saturday, March 18, 2006

I am very boring lately--SORRY

Lets see..... Thursday I went to the shelter for adoption day from 2-7pm. We adopted out around 5 dogs and 6 cats which was very good! I was so sore that night from picking up puppies (big ones) that are going to be very LARGE doggies when they grow up. I could barely walk my whole body was aching. I am getting old. After that I went to watch hubby bowl for awhile then Brady and I went by and got chinese to bring home. I took a shower because I felt like I smelled like DOG and then ate my food. YUM! I love chinese!

Friday our group from AWS ate lunch at Mike's with the animal control officer, city mgr, another officer, and four of the veterinarians in town to discuss the spay and neuter program we are trying to propose. Things are looking better, but hope someday it will all work out.

Today we took Brady to bowling and then went to eat chinese again. YUM! then I had very good intentions to finish painting that room. I did all the trim last week, I believe on Wednesday. All I need to do is paint the walls and I will be finished! I took a nap today and then thats about all.

Tomorrow I will go to church and then we are having my moms birthday party at Alyssa and Keiths house. Her birthday was Wednesday the 15th. I won't say how old she is, but I will be turning 40 this year and she had me when she was 21. Ha ha sorry mom.
I also need to make candles for a basket for our school carnival.

I guess I have been busy, but it doesn't seem like I have got much accomplished.

Almost forgot!!! I saw April today at the bowling center. YAY!!