OHMYGOSH! I can't take it anymore! We have been without DISH since Dec. 13th (when our electricity came on again.) We can't even get any kind of fuzzy local channel to watch. I would even take that! We called last week to get it fixed, which was supposed to be TOMORROW! And I was counting down the minutes, believe me, I am going INSANE! So, as I am counting down my minutes until I can watch The View tomorrow morning, or Days Of Our Lives at 1pm, they call me awhile ago and they overbooked our area! YA, RIGHT! They caught me off guard and I was trying to be nice so I said, OK January 2 will be fine to reschedule. Now I am pissed. I called Steve to tell him, but of course they just got a memo at work telling them no phone calls at all and they have a 3 minute clock on their phone. Don't people have anything else to think about? They already have cameras in the booth, and they record everything that is said, what more do you want? Ok, I am on a rant, I know BUT I AM SORRY I HAVE TO HAVE ME SOME TV!!!!!! We have watched too many movies lately and I want my TV! I already missed the Survivor finale.
What I am really doing right now is waiting for DISH to call me back so I can let them know that I need it done before Friday! I am not going to spend all of Christmas break with Brady and my husband with no TV. I can't even switch to cable tv because they can't come out until after the first of the year. AAAHHH!
Ok, so now an hour later I call them back and the people they have to fix DISH can't come out until Jan. 2! I called DISH network to make sure we would not be billed for the 3 weeks we have no TV. I'm not paying if I am not watching!
I have a feeling I will be blogging a lot in these 3 weeks. ....................................
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I want my MTV!
Posted by Shannon at 12:14 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 07, 2007
Happy Birthday Trey!
I guess I have been on myspace more and more lately and neglecting my
blogger. Today (Dec. 6) was Trey's 2nd birthday. I guess I have been doing ok, cried a majority of the day, but trying really hard to do good.
I miss him tremendously and it is hard this time of year.
Happy Birthday baby! I love you and miss you bunches! muahhh!
Mommy :)
Posted by Shannon at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
"R" rated movie adventure
Not having been to a rated "R" movie in quite a long time, my husband and I decide that it may, just MAY be ok to take our 12 year old son------if it is only language being the reason it is rated R. I really wanted to see this movie and there were 8-rated "R" movies showing at Joplin. What is with the industry nowadays??? I saw Diva, the kids and Diva's mom at Toys R' Us in Joplin yesterday. And Diva being the great mom she is was going to take her kids to see a movie suitable for kids. (We had already seen that one though) I told her I would let her know how the movie went............................well Kristin--it is definately NOT for kids! LOL! I asked the girl at the tickets why it was rated "R" she said for language and raunch. I thought well how much raunch could a Ben Stiller movie have? OH MY GOSH! Anyway she told us we could come out and get our money back or see another movie, but what do we do? Cover his eyes!!! It was a hilarious movie, but I missed parts because Steve and I were too busy trying to cover his eyes and ears. Now I know never, ever to take him to an "R" rating until he is old enough to go see it himself, without the parents, maybe when he is like 20.
thought I should add that no, he didn't see any of the raunch that went on. Don't want Diva to report me.............
Posted by Shannon at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
If you are contemplating going to see "Oklahoma" at the Coleman, it is wonderful! absolutely wonderful! I love all the music and the actors are great! Brady is in it ( a small part ) but we have been to practice for weeks and this week is always exhausting. We get home at around 11pm and then I have to get up at 6am. If you do go see it take a walk up to the balcony, it is unbelievable!
I have been subbing all week in 1st grade. I love it!! I really do, I wish I already had my own classroom. It is hard subbing all week and then the next week I am not there and I miss the kids soooo much! :(
Gotta get to sleep!
Posted by Shannon at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Can't think of one.
I haven't posted in quite awhile.
I subbed for Courtney for two weeks in Kindergarten. Man. Talk about a hard grade!! I subbed in first grade, and then next week I sub all week for 1st grade. I really love first and second.
My mom was in the hospital all last week, she had a very bad gall bladder attack last Sunday and ended up in the hospital until Thursday. She got to go home (if she promised to drink clear liquids, broth, jello and popsicles). She will be getting her gall bladder removed tomorrow morning (Monday) at 10am.
I have been kind of down lately, I know I need to get my medicine filled but we just haven't had the money lately and I need to make a doctor appt. and since I didn't get paid yet for subbing and now have to wait until October to get paid. Blah! My neighbors next door adopted a little boy--that his mother just let them have him practically. We want to adopt so bad!! I am getting the spare bedroom ready, I plan on pulling the carpet up this week and getting things cleared out, and I am going to start sanding the floors.
My sister's baby is due the 30th of Sept. she is having a baby girl. We are all so excited. I think she will come a little early though!!! Kyla's room looks so cute!
Talk to you soon, guess I need to get some sleep.
Posted by Shannon at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Do ya really wanna know?
I didn't think so! This is a GRIPE POST. If you don't feel like reading about my life, push the back button now. OK... My house is a total mess, it looks like a tornado went right through it. I get motivated to clean it is just hard when your cleaning around a husband and son playing XBox for hours upon hours. I can't stand the clutter. It is driving me insane. Wouldn't you think I would have help so I wouldn't be this insane, out of control person running around the house yelling and complaining? It is so peaceful when the house is clean, my blood pressure is stable and I have nothing, NOTHING to worry about except things that really need to be worried about.
I took my test this past Saturday for teaching----because remember, I had passed one of them but still needed to pass the other. So I took it and it was totally different than the first one. I hope and pray I passed it! I need good news, but I have to wait 4weeks to get my results back. I could work in Kansas teaching right now with a 2yr provisional, but this year there was nothing around close available without moving away or driving an hour to school each way. There were a couple of Oklahoma jobs but I don't have my OK license and well you know how that goes. I will be subbing this year.
Brady may be playing football this year for the first time. I would rather he just stick to a couple of sports--he already plays basketball and baseball, because I know all the help I get getting him to and from----I guess at least I don't have homework to worry about like I have for the last 3 years!!! Thank Goodness!!
My mind is mentally exhausted so I am gonna go brush the teeth and wash the face and put my Olay wrinkle cream on so people will keep saying I look younger than I am. Ya, right! :)
Posted by Shannon at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Doggies for adoption
I decided to post two of the three wire haired terriers (all males) that we have for adoption at the shelter. They are sooooo sweet.
I want to take them home so bad. If you know someone who is interested let me know!!!
Posted by Shannon at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thank You American Humane!

I have also been dogsitting my friend Cean's dog this week. She's a sweetie and we will be sad when she leaves! Their house was flooded, but they are cleaning everything up now. Thank goodness it wasn't any worse than what it was!
Baseball fields
Posted by Shannon at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
Poker Run weekend
I had a very busy weekend! I worked at Buffalo Run Friday night at the registration booth for the Bike Run. We passed out the shirts and pins for the bikers that had pre-registered early. I worked from noon-8pm. I finally got to sleep that night at around 1am when Brady--(who had already had a nap at his grandparents house)-- proceeded to wake me up at 4 in the morning because "he had been laying in bed for three hours and couldn't sleep" thanks for interrupting my sleep bray! I went and got in bed with him so he could fall back asleep-which he did, right away. I think I dozed a little and woke up at 5am. I had to be back to work that morning at 6:20. We had an awesome day! I just LOVE it! Bikers are so much fun to be around and are so nice! I even registered for a Harley they are giving away at Cowtown days in Baxter. fun fun fun!!! I worked until 1:15pm and then went to go blow up 45 helium latex balloons for a birthday party. My mom and I got that finished and then went to deliver them. I got back to work at 5pm and stayed until 7pm. Went and picked up Brady from the grandparents house and took him back to the carnival. I wanted to see who won some of the poker hands. I was so exhausted and really wanted to wait and watch Keith Anderson, but I was about to drop off the face of the earth. Which we ended up leaving around ten that evening.
All in all it was a great weekend! and I finally got some much needed SLEEEEEEP!
Posted by Shannon at 4:24 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 02, 2007
It is gonna be a LONG summer!
OH MY! Summer is here. Has it only been a week since school has been out? The boy down the street is gonna cause me to up my blood pressure medicine, I do believe! Ever have an irritating person constantly coming to your house to visit? at times they are not invited? and just pretty much knock and weasel their way in? everyday, sometimes 2-3 times a day? and show up wherever you go? and I could go on and on and on. It is going to be a long, hot summer.
We just ate at my favorite mexican restaurant, YUM! We celebrated my brother's birthday. We had cake the other day on his actual birthday, but it was a hurry up between baseball games day and was very fast and noone was able to visit. He turned 35! Oh, to be 35 again. Happy Birthday Derrel!!!
My little sis is showing and looks so cute! I am so excited they are having a baby girl!! They are going to be terrific parents! They are coming along great on their new house. The paint looks so good, it is inspiring me to finish our house. I may actually start painting again tomorrow. It would be great to finish the living room and start on the kitchen and laundry room and hallway. I want to repaint the bathroom a different color too. I painted it a light blue color to go with the shabby chic shower curtain I had bought at Target, but I am really not a blue person. I want to put new tile on the floor in a tan color and a pedestal sink and new toilet. I have it all planned if only I had my "new" job. This is my summer project.
I guess if I don't get a job for the next year I will substitute in Baxter and Miami elementary schools and then maybe when some of the teachers retire from Baxter next year, hope and pray I can get a position there. I love Lincoln school! I miss my kids! They pay better in Kansas. I think they pay $70 a day for non-certified and in Miami they only pay $35-$40 a day. Since I will have my diploma I will make more than all of this so it will be worth it. Can you tell I am excited to teach?
Posted by Shannon at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Graduation went great. I still can't believe it is over!!! I still think I have some kind of project that's due the next day or that I'll be driving to Pittsburg everyday this summer. It still hasn't hit me that I am DONE! I posted pics on myspace. I have turned two apps in so far. I got my test results back, and I passed the writing PLT test but not the content. AHH!
I ended up with an in major GPA of 3.5625!!! YAY!
Posted by Shannon at 12:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
Tomorrow, tomorrow, my graduation is tomorrow
I'm going to try this again. I tried to post three times yesterday and blogger kept messing my post up. So here goes again...
I have 15 hours 41 minutes 2 seconds until GRADUATION!!
Can you tell I'm just a little excited? I have only waited, what 23 years to get here? I ended up with a 3.1 GPA. That is counting the very awesome grades I received the last 2 1/2 years at PSU and the terrible grades I received back 23 years ago---which did not help my GPA at all. at all.
I had straight A's this year. YAY!
I would like to also brag on PSU. It is a GREAT school! I went to UCO in Edmond, which at the time was CSU (Central State University) which I hated.
Hope to post grad pics soon!
Posted by Shannon at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 03, 2007
It's almost over!
I am soooo ready to be finished. I can't believe it is May! This year has gone by so fast and now it is almost summer. I haven't posted in such a long time it seems, I have been so busy trying to get my Professional Portfolio, and Teacher Work Sample finished, Plus student teaching.
I took my PLT and Content test last Saturday. I have no idea how I did, it was one of those, "It wasn't really hard, but it was very confusing tests" I hate when there are two answers that could be THE one, but you can only choose the BEST one. The Content was 110 MC questions, the PLT was two hours of nothing but writing essays, and around 23 MC on that one too.
I was so happy when it was over. I won't know how I did until three more weeks. I will be ecstatic if I just pass one of them! Two would be great, but I will take one!
I turned my first application and Resume' in last week too. I hope to get an interview soon because I really want to work at that school.
I am going to go finish watching Survivor. TTL
Posted by Shannon at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 09, 2007
So much to talk about..so little time
I will start with talking about school. I. am. almost. finished!
AND did I say YAY??
I am so very excited! I am still doing student teaching at Baxter, which I love, and cry everytime I think about leaving my kids. Yes, they feel like my kids! I am going to miss them terribly! I get too attached and will probably do this every school year. The good thing about Baxter is that my nephew goes to Baxter school so I will get to see a lot of them this summer during baseball season, and during other activities. Thank Goodness!!
I graduate May 19th which I know I have mentioned before. At 10:00 AM in the morning. And according to my myspace @ www.myspace.com/bradytreysmom I have 39days 7hours 43min. and 45seconds until I graduate.
My mom picked up an application for me today at the Miami Board of Ed.
By the time I get home from school it is closed, so she got one for me. Now, I need to find a job for the next school year. Wish me luck!
I had a lot of pics to post of Spring Break before but blogger ate them so I will post them at another time.
Posted by Shannon at 4:09 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Just checking
I tried to post twice last night with very LONGGGG posts and both times blogger ate it.
I gave up...so now just checking to see if this makes it or not.
Posted by Shannon at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I am gonna be a new aunt!!
I have permission now to announce that I am gonna be a new aunt!! YAYYYYY! I am soooo excited! Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep something like this quiet???? :)
Posted by Shannon at 8:35 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Ya, I know, I suck!
So I guess with this new beta thing I can't determine which font I want or anything, right?
Christmas and NewYears went wonderfully! I have pics posted from both on my myspace--- Shannon .
I haven't gone back to class yet. We aren't supposed to go until the 19th, but Linsey and I will be going back on Monday and then the student teaching begins until May.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GRADUATE MAY 19TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have started my diet again after mega cheating during the holidays!
I haven't gone back to the doctor yet, I am starting on my own first to see how it goes. We also joined "The Gym" which I have been walking miles and working out on the machines. I am starting to feel soo soo much better! I am so out of shape, but it is getting easier. YAY!
talk to ya soon!
Posted by Shannon at 9:28 AM 2 comments
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