Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Do ya really wanna know?

I didn't think so! This is a GRIPE POST. If you don't feel like reading about my life, push the back button now. OK... My house is a total mess, it looks like a tornado went right through it. I get motivated to clean it is just hard when your cleaning around a husband and son playing XBox for hours upon hours. I can't stand the clutter. It is driving me insane. Wouldn't you think I would have help so I wouldn't be this insane, out of control person running around the house yelling and complaining? It is so peaceful when the house is clean, my blood pressure is stable and I have nothing, NOTHING to worry about except things that really need to be worried about.

I took my test this past Saturday for teaching----because remember, I had passed one of them but still needed to pass the other. So I took it and it was totally different than the first one. I hope and pray I passed it! I need good news, but I have to wait 4weeks to get my results back. I could work in Kansas teaching right now with a 2yr provisional, but this year there was nothing around close available without moving away or driving an hour to school each way. There were a couple of Oklahoma jobs but I don't have my OK license and well you know how that goes. I will be subbing this year.

Brady may be playing football this year for the first time. I would rather he just stick to a couple of sports--he already plays basketball and baseball, because I know all the help I get getting him to and from----I guess at least I don't have homework to worry about like I have for the last 3 years!!! Thank Goodness!!

My mind is mentally exhausted so I am gonna go brush the teeth and wash the face and put my Olay wrinkle cream on so people will keep saying I look younger than I am. Ya, right! :)