It seems so long since I have posted!
Lets see...
My last post on Dec. 6 was Trey's birthday. I had hardly any sleep the night before-I had 2 finals that day and a paper due. I didn't get home until almost 6pm and by that time it was dark. We went to Walmart to buy some balloons which we then each tied a Happy Birthday note to Trey. We went to the cemetery and let the balloons go and had a little quiet time. Of course there was still a ton of snow out there at that time, but I wouldn't have had it any other way that evening. Love and Miss you baby!
We had the Christmas parade a couple of weekends ago (Dec 10), which I made the signs for our truck for the Animal Welfare Society. Brady and I walked Shae in the parade and we saw April and MWH--which I should mention is a very pretty girl!
The next day (Dec 11) I hosted my inlaws house at the Holiday Home Tour for Miami Main Street. That was a lot of fun. I told my mom if I ever have a nice big house I will hold one at mine. LOL hahahah
Brady had his Christmas program at the Coleman Theatre, which was great!
My second grade had their Christmas program at Baxter, which was very cute!
Brady had his Christmas dance at the school---PTSO---which I helped April set up decorations for and helped chaperone and do tickets. It was a lot of fun! Looking forward to the Valentine's dance April!!! :)
Today my second graders went and saw Charlotte's Web. It was very good! The funny thing is that the school gave us each a ham yesterday and today we saw this movie. HA!
That is it for now. I am out of school until January 4--if I go back when they start. BUT I am not required to go back until January 19. Oh what to do? What to do?
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Where do i begin?
Posted by Shannon at 10:35 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Stole this from April
You Belong in Rome |
You're a big city girl with a small town heart Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better? |
Posted by Shannon at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
OH, how I was wishing for a big humongoid snowstorm to blow in around, say 10 inches tonight! So I wouldn't be able to drive to Pittsburg tomorrow!!
I procrastinated on my social studies unit that is due at around 2pm tomorrow. AAAH! Why? do I do that???
Here I am, I slept 4 hours last night, because I kept hearing something in my bedroom shredding paper, my dog the mouser didn't see "it" anywhere so I finally got to sleep.
I left at 7:15 am this morning and got home at 5:30pm this evening. I ate, took an hour nap and here I am. I have been working for the last 4hours so now it is time to go to bed! I have one page to finish up in the morning.
Posted by Shannon at 2:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 27, 2006
Posted by Shannon at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Did anyone watch Oprah today? I am sitting here trying to do homework bawling my eyes out. She had her "pay it forward" guests on today from another show where they all received a $1,000 debit card to do what they wanted to do with the money to pay it forward. OMyGosh!
It is a very good show!
Posted by Shannon at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I have a confession
My confession is that I am very, very addicted to.....Diet Coke! I have to have one first thing in the morning and then if I am at home it is like an all day long thing. I guess it is better than smoking but I need to be drinking water or tea or something!!!
Thanksgiving went good. Food was great, and I ate way tooo mucho! I love Thanksgiving food---we had mashed potatoes, turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, peas, corn, sweet potatoes and sp casserole, charlies chicken hot rolls, cauliflower salad, asparagus casserole--(it is sooo good!) and lots of desserts!
Dad came up from his job and had the holiday with us---no politics were mentioned---and all was good! We went to Quapaw to visit my other grandparents and family and they are all doing good. I got to see my new little cousin, that was born about a week after Trey, so it was a little sad seeing how big he would be now. She is a very cute little girl though!
Hate to run but I am gonna try to do some more homework while watching Nip Tuck, I know, kinda hard trying not to look at Christian. LOL
Hope everyone had a great holiday!
Posted by Shannon at 8:55 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I really hope all goes well tomorrow.
Thanksgiving at our house is usually a relaxing, normal, food-eating, football watching, napping, visiting fun time.
This year I just hope that politics does NOT get mentioned and everything should be ok. We are not eating at my moms this year since we thought dad was going to be away working, we had already had a Thanksgiving earlier.
The last couple of weeks have been very stressful. We (my mom and I) had decided not to mention anything about the democrats taking over the house since my inlaws are full fledged republicans. So after church a couple of weeks ago it has to be mentioned that the "tyrants" had taken over the house, and how Bush has a higher IQ than Kerry. OMYGosh. Who the heck cares what IQ he has. Just because he has a higher IQ, if he does, it doesn't mean he has any common sense, which he most certainly doesn't. :)so there!
Church is just not the place to discuss it. Ya, and I also went and smoked a cigarette as soon as I got home. I hate politics! A little rant there!
Things I am thankful for:
*My family
*My boys & husband
*Shae my doggie & Rufus kitty
*First Christian Church
*The Carte committee at PSU for granting me permission to continue school
*My health
*Strength and courage to get through this past year
*My second-graders
*My husbands job
Posted by Shannon at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Podunk concert
I also attended the Keith Anderson "Podunk" concert. I saw April there with MWH. It was sooooo freezing! It was a very good concert, I wish we could have gotten closer--since my pics were not turning out and my batteries went dead, but we got there about 5:30pm and stayed until 10:30 when it was over. I was ready to go, it was just way too cold.
I taught my lesson on "Canada" last Friday. It went good, I wish I could have found the book I was looking for, but owell. Me, Linsey and Dustin had to teach our lessons 3 times!!! We have 4 second grade classes and we divided one of them up into 3 classes. We each taught our own class when our supervisor from PSU came to watch. I got a good grade so I was happy! YAY! I have a big project due Nov. 29 and Dec. 5.
I can't settle on a template. The last didn't last very long. I got sick of it really fast!
Posted by Shannon at 10:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Well Crud! I didn't get to vote today!! I am very bummed. But Brad Henry has pretty much won Governor again so thats good with me!
I went to school @ Baxter this morning, and then on to PSU to class and was planning on voting as soon as I got home. I went to Big Lots today since I got out of class early and I hadn't been to Big Lots in about 2 years. I love going there! Anyways I went and then on my way home on main street in Pittsburg, the car decides to die. I call the husband because it is obviously not going to start again. I tried and tried, then finally put it in neutral and started trying to push it to a parking place. 2 girls are walking out to their car and come over to help me, thank goodness! This started around 5pm. Then that leaves me trying to get the hood open. This is no ordinary hood with the little latch under the hood that you pull up. I never can get this one open. So this guy shows up and asks if I need help--thank you guy!! he checks my oil and transmission fluid, and all looks good, he thinks it is my spark plugs. So then my husband can't come and get me because we need some front tires for our other car. He goes to get tires and then gets to Pitt around 7:15 pm. In the meantime I have walked from 7th and Broadway all the way to Braums---around 11 blocks. He picks me up and we finally get home around 8somethingish. I am exhausted. I was supposed to do homework, but I am not. Gotta go iron now-- 5:30 am comes very early.
Oh, and so thats why I didn't get to vote!!!!
Posted by Shannon at 10:56 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Yes, I still watch Nascar!
In my very busy life, I do still watch Nascar!!! I watched for around 3 and a half hours today, cars going round and round and round the track. I used to hate it, I hated the noise, it drove me crazy! Now for the last 2 years I love it!
Tony won again today, it was a GREAT race, it really was! Tony led 278 laps out of 339. They restarted like 3 times near the end, they kept having cautions. I love close races. Tony also won the last race. Sorry I haven't kept you all updated. :) I know, I suck!
Steve and I went and saw a movie last night. We saw SAW 3. It was just as sick as the other two. The language wasn't as bad as the second one, but it was just as twisted as the other two and very bloody.
We went and ate at Fudruckers before we went. I didn't even know Joplin had one until we were passing by. One of our favorite places to go when we go to Tulsa. We then went to Target, which I love. It is a lot more fun though, when you have money to spend. We bought triple A batteries and a thing of Jiffy Pop popcorn, wooohwhee! Today we went to church and I watched the race and did homework that never seems to end. I love our church, our pastor is wonderful!
Posted by Shannon at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Just thought I would post a picture of Trey's stone since I haven't yet. I designed what it would look like, and Steve's uncle made it for us. He has a monument business in Alabama. I thought it turned out really cute and wanted to share it with you all!!!!
It has been a year since I had my surgery last October.
I love giraffe's and the one I wanted for his monument is from the Malawi set I got for his bedding for his room. There are also chimes hanging over.
Posted by Shannon at 7:00 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 20, 2006
It's the "Birthday Girl"
Today was Shae's birthday! She turned 5 years old on the 19th.
Happy Birthday Shaebear! We love you, POOPER!
Cupcakes! YUM!
Posted by Shannon at 12:44 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006
School is going soooo great. I am getting a little stressed about the amount of projects I have due for my PSU schoolwork part, but we were told we would be getting stressed and pulling our hair out pretty soon. I have one midterm next week.
I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! my second graders! I can't wait until next semester when I can be at school the entire time. I am so looking forward to it!!
Right now I am working on a Social Studies unit for next semester. We are going to be doing communities and mapping. It is going to be so much fun!
I will keep you updated. :)
Posted by Shannon at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 02, 2006
Big & Rich, 38 Special and some Skynyrd!
Oh MY! I worked at the B & R concert last Thursday doing tickets, which was wonderful. I don't know many of their songs but they sounded very good!
Saturday night was 38 Special and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Oh, were they GREAT! VERY AWESOME! There were soooooo many people there, it was unreal. I guess it was the second biggest concert right behind Rascal Flatts from last year. It was full!! Sweet Home Alabama and Freebird were the last songs they played of the night and talk about AWESOME!, Oh, did I say that already? :) We went over to VIP for awhile to see some friends, too. It is good having security connections.......
Lisa Marie Presley is coming in Oct., and also Leann Womack.
Talk to you soon, gotta get some homework done.
Posted by Shannon at 7:12 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 16, 2006
My mom
Wednesday night after we got home from play practice around 11pm we ate taco bell and then Alyssa my sister called and said that Derrel took mom to the emergency room because she was having chest pains. We rushed up there to see what was going on and when we got there they gave her about 2 grams of morphine which made here heart rate go way down. It was me, Alyssa, Keith and Derrel in there with mom and her hr kept going way down and I pushed the nurse button twice and went out there to find her---it went down from 80something to 40-30-16-7 and Alyssa saw 0 once and a question mark. I finally got a nurse and she ran in there and Clark ran in there, closed the curtains and they gave her a shot of something to counteract the morphine, they sent us away into the waiting room which of course all of us felt like we were going to throw up at this time since we had no idea what was going on. Her hr came back up pretty fast and they let us back in. Clark sent her by ambulance to Freeman in Joplin that night and we got there around 1am. We ended up spending the night in the lobby. I think I fell asleep around 4:30am for about an hour---Alyssa said I was snoring away..... owell I was exhausted!!!
Mom had a stress test that morning which she didn't pass- so they took her in for a heart cath and found that she had 3 blockages and they put 3 stints in. The doctor told us that if she had waited any longer she would have had to have open heart surgery!!! Very scary!!
She was dismissed yesterday and is feeling good. We just need to make sure she rests!
I promise I will post play pics soon. It has been very hectic lately. I saw the play last night AGAIN and also am going tonite! It's great but just warning you it is about 3hours long so plan on staying until at least 11pm!
Posted by Shannon at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 15, 2006
30 things
I guess I will finally do one of these!
30 Things
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought?
I really need to go take a shower!
2. When is the next time you will have sex? Whenever my husband makes "that" dr. appt.
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"? tuck? as in tummy tuck
4. Favorite planet? Pluto- I like dogs
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? Brady
6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? "Anyway you want it" or "Girls Just Want to Have Fun"
7. What shirt are you wearing? My pajama top
8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago? Talking to Alyssa
9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? I don't have any on......
10. Bright or Dark Room? Bright
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey? April is cool
12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? The one closest to the fan/AC
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Getting ready for bed FINALLY! Brady's play got over at 11. The night before at midnight I was in the emergency room with my mom all night
14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? Hi Shannon
15. How do you like your eggs? poached or scrambled (hard, not runny)
16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot? ?
17.Who told you he/she loved you last? Brady (this morning before school)
18. Last furry thing you touched? Shae our Great Pyr
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? None unless you count Lexapro and my bp medicine
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? I still have a lot! But have had a digital for around 4yrs!
21. Favorite age you have been so far? 29
22. Your worst enemy? I don't think I have many
23. What is your current desktop picture? It is blue-I know we are boring-It would be Tony Stewart if I could get a way with it.
24. What was the last thing you said to someone? I told Alyssa I would see her later at the hospital
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly which one would you pick? A million bucks
26. Do you like someone? Yes!
27. The last song you listened to? Fergie's "London Bridge" it was on the Today show
28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, what would you do? Push her out of the way or take the bullet
29. If you could punch 1 person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be? No one yet
30. What is the closest object to your left foot? object? The chair rollers-I guess I have to agree with April
Posted by Shannon at 9:09 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Brady's 1st Dance
Don't have time for a big post, just thought I would add a picture of Brady leaving for his first Middle School Dance!
I will try to post tomorrow. With school and play practice we have been super busy!
forgot to add that Steve bought me a new camera!!! yay! Expect a lot of picture blogs in the future.
Posted by Shannon at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thats how I am feeling today.
I am sooo tired. Linsey and I went to school all day Monday at Baxter- We went to Baxter Tues. and Wed. from 7:45-11:45 and then had class from 12:30-3pm and 12:30-3:45 on Wed. PLUS homework to do and turn in. This is going to be a very busy semester so I if I don't comment on your blogs in a while you will know why.
I am off today and tomorrow. YAY! I miss the kids terribly though already.
I love my class and my cooperating teacher. She is wonderful!!
2nd Grade is GREAT! Next week we will go on Tues, Wed, 1/2 day and all day on Friday. We have a Grandparents day program to go to and they will be in the Homecoming parade that day. FUN FUN! I love it!
Forgot to add, too, that as soon as I get home around 5pm from the drive back from PSU---we eat, Brady has play practice from 7-9pm and then we hurry home to get done what has to be done. I was going to try to sub on one of my days off, but now I think not. :)
Posted by Shannon at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
For those of you who don't know--I got let into the window.....................................I got let back into school! YAY!
Today was my first day. I drove to Pittsburg, got my parking permit (which really didn't make a difference today, considering I couldn't find anyplace to park and ended up parking in the lot across the street), I went and got my books, went by financial aid, went to the computer lab and then went to class from 12:30- 2:30. We got out a little early.
I need to call my teacher tomorrow where I will be interning at Baxter.
Tonight I worked at our AWS booth at the fair from 6-9:30pm.
Just thought I would let you all know, I know you have just been waiting on the edge of your seats. LOL
Posted by Shannon at 11:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
Brad Paisley
OOOOHH! The concert was good!
I worked last night doing tickets--so didn't really get to see Eric Church, or the Wreckers, but enjoyed all of their music and watched when I could. Brad was awesome! I didn't get to see all of his either, but I saw "We Danced" -my favorite of his-right at the side of the stage (backstage) and that made it all worth it. He is definately a cutie!! And he put on a GREAT show. I should be getting some pics and I will post!
Posted by Shannon at 12:50 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Looks like I may get to go back to school. They hired someone for the job. I guess the principal would like to "see me" in the classroom. That is what she told my friend "D". I will remember that when I need a teaching position next year. LOL
I sent my letter to the Dean, who called me to let me know to contact Dr. S, for the CARTE committee. I called her on Monday and she was very optimistic that I would be able to attend PSU this year. Hopefully it will all work!! (fingers are crossed!) If I go back I will be interning at Baxter Springs 1st grade, and attending PSU twice a week. And then I will do my student teaching in that same classroom.
Sounds very good to me. Wish me luck!
Brady tried out for the Fiddler on the Roof musical in the MLT. He will be part of the chorus as one of the sons. It is going to be soooooo gooooood! David Froman is in it, he plays Tevye. He is just wonderful. I love his voice!!
It will be in September, the 14-17 Thursday-Sunday. fun funnnnfunnn!!!
I will keep you all informed! :)
Posted by Shannon at 10:11 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
What to do, What to do!?!
Have you ever had a day to make a BIG decision in your life and had about a day to make it? I had written a letter to the dean of the Ed Dept at PSU, hoping they would let me through. The same day I sent the letter I talked to my friend "D" and she told me the asst Sec. position was still open and was I still interested??? They needed to hire someone ASAP! I went in yesterday and had an interview with the new principal. I told her I would call her back today and let her know something. I called PSU- of course the dean won't be back until Friday. I transferred to talk to someone else-who wouldn't be in the office until 3:30. I didn't have time to waste. I called "D" to let her know that I was very interested and if the principal wanted me I was hers. I need a job, and I hope I get this one!! Even if it prolongs my education. Wish me luck.
I have a lot left to blog about, but I have too much to do.
Posted by Shannon at 9:53 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Almost finished painting!
I finally started in painting Brady's "new" bedroom again. It is all done except for the bottom trim I need to paint. This has been the hardest room ever to paint. The grooves in the paneling were very deep and the primer wouldn't get in there and the painting took forever. I am glad that part is over. I wish our camera would work w/our computer so you all could see the BIG difference. It looks ssooooo much better than the green paneling that was there.
I am totally cleaning out the house. We had a garage sale last Saturday and we did pretty good! April and MWH came. There was a lot more I could have put out, but I had been studying for my big test and didn't get everything done. (not that I guess studying more would have really mattered).
We went to Starlits moms surprise birthday party yesterday and had lots of fun!
We went to church this morning and then went and ate chinese. I then painted for 3 hours!
I am so tired!
Our yard still needs to be mowed which will probably get done in the morning.
Posted by Shannon at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 21, 2006
Oh my it was hot out today!
I spent 7hrs at the animal shelter today. 12-7pm. It was so hot I thought I was going to pass out. We did get around 6 dogs adopted though so it was well worth the heat. We are fostering a puppy tonite. We forgot to call the other person that was fostering it in time and she had already left work so he got to come home with me. He is very cute! Especially when we came home awhile ago and he had pooped in his crate and I had to wash him off AGAIN. I had already given him a bath before I let him in the house today. Owell, all is good again, Shae doesn't like him in the house. For some reason she thinks this his HER house. :)
Thats about it, we went to visit my inlaws, went to Walmart, are now eating low carb Blue Bunny, bunny tracks ice cream.
Posted by Shannon at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 20, 2006
I suck again!
Do you ever feel like you've just been sh*t on over and over and over again?
Part I:
I took my test yesterday-been studying for what 2 weeks now. Studied the Barron's book for the Praxis, went over every section and took practice tests, I took 2 online practice tests to get me ready for the computer based PPST test, I took the California CBEST test online practice. I knew how to convert a decimal to a percent, vice versa, fraction to a mixed number to a whatever.
I go in there very ready and upbeat and confident ready to pass the test. I just know I am going to pass it this time!!
Part 2:
I sit down and there is like 4 freakin questions that I can somewhat relate to that I had studied. There was no geometry, maybe 3 algebra, one pie graph, and the rest was useless crap that the answers were all within a .2,.3,.5 span of answers in decimal forms--who the heck cares????
This is not going to help me teach k-6th grade, I'm sorry. Give me Algebra, Geometry, percent, fractions (mult, divide, subt, add) graphs, word problems, something that at least makes sense and not making me guess that I am pulling the right answers out of my butt hoping that they are right and costing me money to take this stupid test that is ruining my life.
Part 3:
I finish the test, running out of time and not answering two questions that I had skipped. I push the button that is determining my scholarship which is running out as I speak. I make a 171---ya, a 171, the same score I have made the last two times. I missed it by ONE POINT, AGAIN!!! I was so pissed. Not upset, just pissed.
I am not sure what I am going to do yet. Either go with Plan B and pull out the big guns? I will be sure and let you all know. :o
Posted by Shannon at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 16, 2006
WARNING: Don't read if you are eating or easily grossed out!!
Remember..........................I am warning you now!!! :)
Has anyone ever done this? I was on the low carb board looking around and they were talking about this. I had to check it out.
I just don't know!! It makes you want to do it, but then there's the I really want to know??? So then I had to call and share it with my mom--who was enthuised. LOL! not really but we had fun reading the stories together. My husband was sort of grossed out and wanted me to shut up about it and was glad he was going to work tonite so he wouldn't have to listen to me, Brady didn't want to hear about it anymore, I want to call my sis and her husband but now it is toooo late. I will tell them tomorrow! :)
Here it is: be sure not to forget to click on picture gallery and read the testimonials ewwwwieieieieieee!
Posted by Shannon at 12:11 AM 5 comments
Friday, July 14, 2006
I am so sick of studying! I have been studying for this PPST since my last post. I didn't get to sleep last night until around 3:30am. The wind was blowing so hard and of course I just had to go out in the front yard to take the dog out. And then the neighborhood is all out looking at the sky. See-Aprils blog for major wind damage. OMGosh!!!! I can't believe! But it was really blowing out last night!!
I have studied my Barron's book, taken the practice exercises after each section, taken both practice PPST's, I have went online at, I went on one from the they have practice tests for just about everything on there, from Real Estate to Law to Nursing. Great website!!!and it is free for 30 days. They even give you your score. I have taken my practice ppst on there(didn't do really wonderful, but made a better score than the other three that I had taken at PSU) I took the CBEST test which is the test that they give in California for teachers. I just took it and passed it. I also took a high school practice test that had everything on it and did very well.
I am so stressed out! I made my appt for my test on Tuesday--so I have 3 more days of studying--maybe two. I need a day off to not think about it.
Brady and I are going to the Miami Little Theatre to watch the plays tonight and will get to see MWH. Brady was going to sign up but church camp ran into a week of it.
Can't wait to get out of the house this evening!
Posted by Shannon at 4:36 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 09, 2006
We were leaving yesterday at 5pm to go to my inlaws house so I could pick up my present before going to Joplin to eat and walked through the garage and through the kitchen and I saw my grandma's bottom poking out from behind a column and then everyone jumped out and yelled, "Happy Birthday!" I was very surprised!! I never even suspected it at all. My first surprise party in 40 years!
We had the adoption day yesterday and my mom was there and then I told her we were going out to eat and then I had no idea what we were doing. No one had mentioned cake or anything so I had no idea. I thought well maybe we aren't having a party for me. :( LOL...
They had parked on the next street so I didn't see cars or anything. My mom, Steve's parents, grandma, my Aunt Carla, Uncle Ron, Alyssa, Keith, me, Steve and Brady
were there.
I had a GREAT birthday!! I got a plant table for my front porch from Alyssa & Keith, towels from Carla & Ron, some animal figurines for outside from grandma. I received a "In memory of" seat adoption for the Coleman Theatre seating it will say...
"In Memory of Trey Logan Huffman, our little Angel in Heaven" It is on order now, and the plaque that will be on the back of the seat will be coming in soon. I cannot wait to see it. Steve and I had been talking about doing this for some time now, and his parents went ahead and got it for us for our birthdays. Steve's is July 21.
I also got a locket with Trey and Brady's pic's in it. It is very pretty! I got a Tony Stewart towel, and a Snoopy watch and money from Mom.
Steve got me a gift that is very very special! He really surprised me with everything that he did, PLUS..... He got Trey his very own star, from the International Star Registery. It is very cool, he has his very own star named after him.
I had a very emotional birthday. On the card it said, "Happy Birthday Mommy, I will be waiting in heaven for you, always and forever." OMYGosh talk about emotional....
Great Birthday!!!!
Posted by Shannon at 1:54 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Happy Birthday to Moi
Yes, it is and yes I hit the big 4-0 today. wowee! I think I saw some new gray hairs sprouting up out of the top of my head, which will make L'oreal very happy.
Brady and I went to Joplin yesterday and saw "Click" which was very good--if you like Adam Sandler-which I do VERY MUCHO. I also went to Bath and Body works and Old Navy.
We had an adoption day today at Lube -n-Go here in town, and the time I was there I adopted out 9 puppies! That is very good for us!!!
I went to the Stables to get my birthday money and of course lost it. I had to play machines there that I am not used to playing. I really like the Tobasco and the Cats and Dogs machines.
We are going out to eat in a little while.
Oh, and if you got the Miami paper yesterday, I was on the front page.
Posted by Shannon at 4:23 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I am studying for my test that I will be taking next week. This is a very good book and I highly recommend it for anyone that will be taking the PPST test anytime soon. It is the Barron's PPST/PLT How to prepare for PRAXIS. It explains things very well.
I am currently on percents. I have mastered the decimal, fraction, LCM, GCF, the ordering decimals. Who knew math was this much fun? (yes, I am being sarcastic).
I now have--ratio & proportion, equations, algebra, geometry, graphs, and a few more and I will get to take my practice test.
I HAVE to pass this!
I won't be at the shelter today because I will be here studying-I guess we only have 8 dogs there today though. :( I think a lot got put down.
Posted by Shannon at 12:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Going back to school
I have decided to go back to school. I applied for the asst. secretary job at Nichols elementary, and was called for an interview, which my good, good friend and secretary D.E. there told me I would have gotten!!:( ---but with further thinking I decided to go back to school. I have to pass the wonderfully stupid MATH test that I have taken TOO MANY times to count.
*Actually I have taken the PPST math three times- I missed it by two points, then one point twice. That test is $85 a pop. They wouldn't pass me through because of the "C" I had in college algebra. Even though I had a "B" in my other math 304 for teaching.
*I had taken the C-base math test three times(I hate that test)! at $40 then $28 & $28.
We ordered a PPST book w/cd off of Amazon so I can crash study for this big event! I just want to get it over with and passed so I can go on with my life!
I plan on taking it sometime during the second week of July-Happy Birthday to me!
I talked to one of my advisors, which I say one of mine because my real advisor doesn't advise me to do anything--she usually doesn't know anything, so I go to my "other" advisor that gave me my scholarship. I already have my minor in ESOL. She told me that I can still be on scholarship if I get in this Fall for school.
I have one semester of 13hrs at PSU of my restricted courses and then a semester of student teaching. YAY! I just want to hurry and get finished! If all goes well I will graduate in the Spring of 2007!
I am getting excited! I hope it all goes ok. I have been through too much this past year and need to get moving again.
Posted by Shannon at 5:30 PM 3 comments
5.5 more
Puppy I fostered a couple of weeks ago. He was so sweet! I wanted to keep him. so bad. He was adopted on our adoption day though.
Well, I know you all are just waiting on the edge of your seats to see what I weighed at the doctor today. Ya, right.
I only lost 5 1/2 lbs this month. That is 33.5 pounds in three months. The dr that was there today told me to go to the store and pick up 3-10lb bags of potatoes and one small bag--and that would be just about what I had lost. So of course while at Walmart tonight Brady and I did just that. That ended up to be quite a bit!!! I have a long ways to go though.
Brady mowed today and I weed eated, and our doggy got a much needed bath. She was thrilled. (insert sarcasm here) We of course have to give it to her outside since she is very LARGE. She smells and looks so much better.
Friday evening we watched Karaoke downtown and Brady rode some rides at the carnival. Saturday morning bright and early at 7am I helped set up our AWS booth at the "Dog Days" event. I signed dogs up for the dog show and the weinie dog races--sponsored by Buffalo Run Casino. I then helped judge the dog show, which next year I probably won't be judging so maybe our dog will be able to be in it. Everything was over by noon and then my mom and I blew up 70 latex balloons for a birthday party. Halie gets us to do her party every year. We then went and ate chinese (my husband was at home sleeping this entire time, because he works nights and he always tells Brady and I to go ahead and eat if we want, so this time we did). His parents then invite us over for steak. He eats and we get home around 9:30pm. Talk about a full day!
Posted by Shannon at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 22, 2006
The Oh channel
Welp here I am at 1:48am watching the Oh channel. They are doing liposuction. It hurts just watching the fat being sucked up the tube. ewwie! How do they not puncture something important while their jabbing that canula thing in there??
I'm thinking if I keep losing weight I will need a serious tummy tuck. And yes, I have watched one of those done on the Discovery health channel. I am big into watching these painful things. And yes, it does look very gross when they cut your stomach off and then sew it back together. ewwie!
I went to see Brady at church camp today---after getting lost for about an hour and then finally getting to "Alba" Missouri. Why in the world would they put the town there, I have no idea. Now I can drive right to it, that is after driving 10 miles in the complete opposite direction, around it, in front of it, I almost gave up. Brady got upset and wanted to come home. This is the first time for him away from home where he can't call me. He has been away before but could call me anytime. 2 kids had already gone home this week because they were homesick. I think it would have been different if he had a close friend that had gone with him, but he is better friends with the girls at our church, and there isn't too many boys that are in his age group so he is friends with the boys a year younger--that didn't get to go. He will be back on Friday morning--probably very mad at me. I felt like a bad mom, but he will be ok. .................I hope!!
Posted by Shannon at 1:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Brady's at camp!
Brady went to camp this past Sunday. It has been so strange with him not at home. I will be going up there today to see him for church service this evening, and he will be coming back on Friday morning!! Yay!
Posted by Shannon at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I have the night off!
What to do???------- Brady is at his Oma's house for the night and Steve goes to work. OhMY.
I will probably end up cleaning.
And then watch a movie.
I haven't posted in awhile so here goes--
*Brady has started swimming lessons this week, I wanted him to be all up to date on everything before he goes off to church camp in a few weeks.
*VBS starts next week.
*I made the most delicious low carb soup this evening. Steve won't eat it because it is cream soup though. It was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!
*Tony hurt his shoulder really bad a couple of weeks ago while racing. He then tried to race the next day and had a flat, hit the wall and was out of the race.
This last Sunday we went to a bowling tournament and didn't get to watch, but he only did about 37 laps and then had Ricky Rudd drive for him. Hope he gets better fast!!! They said he broke his shoulder blade during the race he got hurt in and they can't take pain killers or anything because it will interfere with racing. He is still 5th in points going down from 4th. He'll be back up there!
Thats about all of my excitement for the time being.
Posted by Shannon at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I'm a Zen Mom too!
This is the quiz I got off of Irish Divinity.
Your quiz results make you a Zen Mom.
How do you do it?
Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass."
You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world.
Posted by Shannon at 4:55 PM 1 comments
I went to the doc today and I have lost 13 more pounds! YES!
That is 28lbs total. I guess now I realize how much I was eating before. WOW!
Cutting out all of the bread has really helped me.
Thats my exciting news for the day! :)
Posted by Shannon at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Go Taylor!!
Posted by Shannon at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Taylor's got it going on!
I just LOVE Taylors voice!! I think he will win tomorrow night on American Idol! Anyway that is who I voted for. OOPS, I forgot to place Kat's votes. I really did. Steve likes Katharine and I was supposed to place some votes for her. I also think she is very good, but I think Taylor is going to win it. Go Taylor!
Posted by Shannon at 11:50 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 21, 2006

I know it is now the 21st.
He turned 35! YAY!!
He came in 12th place tonite. He got caught
in the middle of a mess, then ended up third,
then got into it again, a BIG CRUNCH!
Which ended his race.
Here are some pics from the race.
Thanks to YAHOO Nascar news.
Posted by Shannon at 12:37 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Katharine or Taylor?
Who will it be? Kat or Taylor? I hope there are more than just me and my husband that are American Idol junkies out there. Who do you think Keith and Alyssa??
I thought for sure that Chris would have been in there. I think people just stopped voting for him because they thought he was going to win it anyway and thought he already had enough votes. I can't wait until he has a cd coming out! he is great!! I voted and voted for Taylor Monday night and Steve voted for Kat.
I just love Taylor's voice! Love that Joe Cocker voice... LOL
Steve gave blood today at our church....................................... I watched and cheered him on. :) I went over and watched the blood spin around and around and be separated from the plasma, which was pretty cool and interesting-------and then felt nauseated so I left him and went over and sat at my table where I couldn't see the blood anymore. I wish it didn't bother me to donate. Brady and I have the same blood type, B+, so at least I know that much. If he ever needs any I will be there first in line!!! Even if I am fainting and throwing up! Steve's is O+.
That was my exciting day.
Oh, ya, yesterday I went to the doctor to check my bp and see if my bp medicine is doing ok and I have lost 6 more lbs!! YAY!!
21 lbs total !!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to start exercising though!
Posted by Shannon at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to ALL the Mommies out there!!
I can't remember where I found this, either someone posted it, or it was off the baby board, but I love it and it always makes me cry!
I am so thankful for my family and everything that I have! I LOVE you Brady & Trey and I am PROUD to be your mom!
Can you be a mommy
if your baby is not with you?
I thought of you and closed my eyes, and prayed to God today.
I asked what makes a Mother, and I know I heard him say:
A mother has a baby, this we know is true.
But, God, can you be a mother, When your baby's not with you?
Yes, you can he replied, with confidence in his voice.
I give many women babies, when they leave is not their choice.
Some I send for a lifetime, and others for a day.
And some I send to feel your womb, but there's no need to stay.
I just don't understand this God, I want my baby here.
He took a breath and cleared his throat, and then I saw a tear.
I wish that I could show you what your child is doing today.
If you could see your child smile, with other children who say;
We go to earth and learn our lessons, of love and life and fear.
My mommy loved me oh so much, I got to come straight here.
I feel so lucky to have a mom, who had so much love for me.
I learned my lesson very quickly, my mommy set me free.
I miss my mommy oh so much, but I visit her each day.
When she goes to sleep on her pillow where I lay.
I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek, and whisper in her ear.
"Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I am here.
"So you see my dear sweet one, your children are okay.
Your babies are here in my home, they'll be at heavens gate for you.
So now you see what makes a mother. It's the feeling in your heart.
It's the love that you had so much of, right from the very start.
Though some on earth may not realize your are a mother, until their time is done. They'll be up here with me one day, and you'll know that you’re the best one!
-Author Unknown-
Posted by Shannon at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
UUUHHH! Thats what I have to say. just a warning............proceed at your own risk. edited..
It is so hard being married sometimes!! I get so discouraged, he makes me so mad. We can't agree on anything.
I get so sick of politics and talking about them. My family is democrat, his is republican---(with the exception of his brother and sister-in-law) but they live in Virginia so that doesn't help much. Mine watch CNN... his watch Fox. His have books about George & Laura Bush and all the wonderful heroic things he has done (lol)sorry but I am just not a fan..........mine have books on Bill & Hillary Clinton. Which I believe Clinton was a very good president, he just messed up a little. We even went to Bill's book signing in Fayetteville AR a couple of yrs ago. We camped out all night at Walmart. My husband went with us. He sold his signed book on ebay. My book and Bradys' is on the shelf. His family have a talking Bush doll.....mine have a talking Clinton doll. Where does it end????????? My husband leans more toward the conservative side-he watches Fox, but says he isn't a republican. ha. I am not all the way democrat when it comes to the majorly big elections, but about as far as you can get from being a republican. Does that make any sense?
Voting season is just going to plain suck.
I am so sick of doing everything.
I wish Trey was here, I really need him right now. I can tell I haven't taken my meds in 2 days. I thought I may be able to wean myself off of them, but I guess not yet.
I have to go iron now, cya! Sorry about the crappy post. :) guess I wanted to get some of it out.
Posted by Shannon at 10:13 PM 1 comments
OMGosh will the rain ever stop?
I can't believe it is STILL RAINING! I think its gonna stop and then wake up the next morning to RAIN! My boxwoods are getting flooded!!!! My hanging basket of flowers is doing good though.
At least it is cool today and not very humid. So, I might have a half way decent hair day. :)
I have been subbing the last 2 days at the middle school. Sixth grade so far is the best--eighth, not so good. I had tech ed., and social studies.
I wasn't going to sub today, and they didn't call me anyway so that was good! Friday I can't because Brady has his 5th grade promotion. :( I don't want him to go to middle school yet! I know how you feel Divinity!!! I am right there with ya!
Yesterday was the Science fair at Nichols. Brady got first place. YAY!!!! I can't post pictures on here because for some reason our camera won't hook up to the computer anymore.
I'll post more later. I need to start cleaning my neglected house.
Posted by Shannon at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 06, 2006
I guess I will go ahead and post it...................................................
I lost 15 lbs last month! YAY! I am doing low carb and so far I am doing very well. I can have 30 carbs a day. Today I had more though this was really the first day I have cheated. Brady and I went to see Akeelah and the Bee. It was very good. Anyway I had popcorn at the movie. That is how I cheated---No candy though!! We also went to Petsmart to see all the puppies and kittens, to Factory Card Outlet, Target, JR Learning, the movie, Kohl's, and to the Book Barn. All of this in the RAIN. I must have had a lot of energy today, huh? Usually I only make it to a couple of places. I feel so much better lately after losing some of it. I had never been this heavy before. I gained around 20lbs when I was pregnant with Trey, so it is almost gone, and now I can fit into my other clothes. Thank Goodness!! But I have a lot more to lose.
I have been trying very hard though!!!
Tony was 6th in tonite's race. I didn't get to watch all of it because we didn't get home until around 8pm.
Then Steve was being gripey! He is such a grouch sometimes!
Talk to ya soon!
Posted by Shannon at 11:04 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 01, 2006
Nascar race
I knew there was a good reason why I didn't sub today. I am watching the Nascar race that was rained out yesterday. Currently Tony is in the lead after hanging back all day. Ok, the race is over. Tony got 2nd place!! YAY!
I AM GLAD I DIDN'T WATCH THIS RACE!! It was on Saturday, and we had to drive to Bartlesville that day for a bowling tournament that Brady and Steve were in.
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED SATURDAY Tony was driving his #33 car in the Busch race at Talladega. His car flipped and landed on the roof skidding across the track! He was ok though, still smiling after getting out of the car! I saw the replay today, and I am very glad I didn't see it when it happened. GO TONY!
Posted by Shannon at 2:37 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I wish Mr. Rogers lived in my neighborhood!
Oh we have LOVELY neighbors! The neighbor across the street just mowed and now he's sweeping all of his grass and &*(**% into the street. And you know where it will end up? In our yard. Everything finds it way to our yard it either gets stuck on our tree or against the fence. I just want to build a big privacy fence around our whole place and not have to look at anyone. LOL!
The other new neighbor that moved in next to the house directly across ran out her front door yesterday while I was planting my other boxwood in the front and yelled to ask me if I could call an ambulance. Of course I asked why? She told me her son had cut his eye. So being the wonderful neighbor that I am, I call 911 to tell them they needed an ambulance over there. I don't know these people--I walked over there to their house to make sure everything is okay, their house is filthy. I try to keep mine clean and it is cluttered, but mygosh how can people live like that????
The ambulance comes, but do I get any kind of "Thank You"??? NO!
fun fun!
Hope they don't need another phone call made.............................................
Posted by Shannon at 7:27 PM 2 comments
Good or Bad?
I have been subbing at the middle school this week. I am wondering when the kids are coming in saying, "Oh Good, our favorite sub is here" is this a good thing or a bad thing?? I do let them talk some and try to keep them quiet--they get their work done or I make them turn them in unfinished with their name on it and then they can explain to the teacher why they didn't get it finished. I do write names down to give to the teacher and Monday when one 8th grader punched another one in the face, and then he threw a book at him I did call down to the office for the principal. He wasn't there but a coach came up to deal with them. I don't let them get away with much. I know they like to talk and thats fine, but when they start running around the room, coloring their teeth with black sharpie pens, foul language, not listening---ok that gets their name down on my sheet! I guess its good that they like me. I like the middle school, they crack me up! I'm just not ready for Brady to be there next year. I still think 6th grade is too young to be at the middle school.
I have transitional 1st grade on Friday, so that will be a change for me.
Posted by Shannon at 1:38 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 14, 2006
My day
I have monitored Tues. and Wed. of this week in the elementary school for testing. I didn't realize how hard it is for me to keep quiet that long. I walked around the room not saying a word, thought I was going to go nuts!! I was supposed to substitute in the elem. school today, it got cancelled so I somehow told them I would do the high school. OH MY! Talk about a mess! A woman I know was subbing there too, and she loves the high school. I guess it just seems like kids are so different nowadays (is this really a word?) Talk Talk Talk thats all they did 3rd and 4th hours. But I guess it really didn't help that we had to watch a movie on Edgar Allen Poe and there also was the Senior talent show today too. What a day to sub! I had already told them elementary and middle school only (although ms is hard too).
Wish me luck next week--may I get good classes!!!
Posted by Shannon at 1:13 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Oh this is scary!!!
I'm sitting here singing along with Greg Brady's 70's music infomercial.
I am getting OLD. Just plain OLD.
I wore a belt to church Sunday and my son Brady told me I was too old to be wearing a belt like that. He said, "Girls in my class wear belts like that". Thanks Bray! just add to my oldness.
I'm gonna go enjoy the infomercial---cya later!
Posted by Shannon at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 10, 2006
This time change is royally screwing me up. I don't ever wanna go to sleep.
New exciting things:
*My inlaws have moved to town last, last Friday on the 31st. They are still unpacking some, but for the most part their house looks great! Whats sad is we've lived here over 2yrs and we're still not fully unpacked.
*Brady has started baseball practice. Yay! I love baseball, I love his coach and team that he is on.
*I will hopefully have a job for next year. I will let you all know about it, that is if I get it. :)
*We are talking about maybe fostering to adopt.
*We had our school carnival on the 31st of March. We (PTO) worked so hard on this carnival and I think it went very well. We made a very LARGE amount of money for our school, the most that has ever been made on a school carnival there.
*Trey Treys stone was put into the ground. I will post a pic soon. It looks so pretty! And we decorated it for Easter.
Thats about it for now. I am monitoring a class at school tomorrow for testing, so got to get ready for bed in a while.
Posted by Shannon at 10:04 PM 8 comments
Monday, April 03, 2006
Post stealing
SO.......................I'm taking this post from Starlit, who took it from Irish Divinity.
Thanks girls!
What time is it? 10:53pm
Name as it appears on you Birth Certificate? Shannon Diane B.
Any nicknames? Shannnonna
Parent's names? Beverly and Jim
Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 39 AHHH getting ready for the BIG 4-0
Date that you regularly blow them out? July 8
Pets? Great Pyrenees-Shae, cat-Rufus
Favorite animal(s)? Dogs
How much do you love your job? Getting ready to start subbing, ask me after a week
Birthplace? Oklahoma
Favorite vacation spot? ANYWHERE! Its been a long time since we have been on a vacation just the immediate family alone ANYWHERE would be NICE!
Any nicknames? HUH?
Stolen any traffic signs? No, but my sister had one in her room-where did you get it Alyssa??
Ever been in a car accident? Yes, but it wasn't my fault.
Croutons or Bacon bits? Both!
2 Door or 4 Door car? 4 door
Salad Dressing? French-the red kind, not Otts, not the orange kind, the RED kind!
Favorite Pie? Apple with ice cream on it---A'la Mode :)
Favorite Number? 7
Favorite Movie? The Last American Virgin
Favorite Color? green
LEAST Favorite Holiday? I like all the holidays
Favorite Food? mexican
Favorite day of the week? Sunday
Favorite brand of body soap? That pink kind in the big pump bottle at Walmart
Favorite TV show? CSI, Days of Our Lives, Deal or No Deal, too many to list!!
Favorite toothpaste? Crest cinnamon
Most recently read book? reading 90 Minutes in Heaven
Perfume/Cologne? Eternity, Verve' (discontinued)
Favorite Smell? puppy breath, dryer sheets
What do you do to relax? read, drive around
Favorite Fast Food? Taco Bueno
When was your last hospital visit? December 6-10 2005
How many times did you fail your driver's license test? I passed on the first try!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully working at Nichols and adopting this year.
What do you do when you are bored? Ebay, looking online, blogging, reading
Furthermost place you sent this message? not sending it, posting
Who will respond the fastest? Um...
What time is it now? 11:02
Posted by Shannon at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
My concert is cancelled! :(
Just got an email from the Ford Center in OKC. The rest of the Aerosmith tour is cancelled. Steven Tyler has to have surgery so they had to cancel the rest of their tour. AAAHHH! My one day mini vacation is ruined.
We are going to Tulsa on Sunday to the Tulsa Oilers hockey game. Hopefully it won't be cancelled.
Posted by Shannon at 4:07 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 18, 2006
I am very boring lately--SORRY
Lets see..... Thursday I went to the shelter for adoption day from 2-7pm. We adopted out around 5 dogs and 6 cats which was very good! I was so sore that night from picking up puppies (big ones) that are going to be very LARGE doggies when they grow up. I could barely walk my whole body was aching. I am getting old. After that I went to watch hubby bowl for awhile then Brady and I went by and got chinese to bring home. I took a shower because I felt like I smelled like DOG and then ate my food. YUM! I love chinese!
Friday our group from AWS ate lunch at Mike's with the animal control officer, city mgr, another officer, and four of the veterinarians in town to discuss the spay and neuter program we are trying to propose. Things are looking better, but hope someday it will all work out.
Today we took Brady to bowling and then went to eat chinese again. YUM! then I had very good intentions to finish painting that room. I did all the trim last week, I believe on Wednesday. All I need to do is paint the walls and I will be finished! I took a nap today and then thats about all.
Tomorrow I will go to church and then we are having my moms birthday party at Alyssa and Keiths house. Her birthday was Wednesday the 15th. I won't say how old she is, but I will be turning 40 this year and she had me when she was 21. Ha ha sorry mom.
I also need to make candles for a basket for our school carnival.
I guess I have been busy, but it doesn't seem like I have got much accomplished.
Almost forgot!!! I saw April today at the bowling center. YAY!!
Posted by Shannon at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Aerosmith baby!
We are gonna go see Aerosmith!!
YAY! I talked my husband into taking me. He isn't a big fan, but he agreed to go. I told him they are getting older and may not have too many more concerts. You never know, huh? LOL! He knows how long I have wanted to see them. Our seats are waaaaaay up there but oh well. It's Aerosmith! and I can't wait to go. It is in OKC on the 29th.
Posted by Shannon at 8:34 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Guess what?
Guess where my husband is taking me?? I'm so excited!!
Posted by Shannon at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Been tagged
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
Here's the songs I love....Just to let you all know that I usually only listen to our Sirius radio- 80's, new country, 70's, christian. Scary I know, but it seems our radio stations around here only play a lot of crap, uh uh uh, I mean rap.
Here goes..not in any particular order...
#1- "Crazy" by Aerosmith----gotta love Aerosmith!!! they will be in OKC on the 29th and I wish I could go!
#2- "Little Red Corvette" by Prince----need I say more, it's PRINCE!!
#3- "Keep on Lovin' You" by REO Speedwagon---(some of these are from the movie, The Last American Virgin, which is one of my all time favorite movies)
#4- "Open Arms" by Journey--- OH MY!
#5- "Oh No" by the Commodores
#6- "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood---love this song & she's great!!!
#7- "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me---will be played at my funeral, my husband gets mad because I am already planning it. :-O
Everyone I know have already been tagged! Maybe Dave??
Thanks Diva!
Posted by Shannon at 10:12 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 03, 2006
Due date
Well today isn't the best of days for me.
Trey was supposed to be born today. I was going to be induced the last week of Feb, but today is his due date. I can tell I haven't taken my antidepressants for a couple of days now. I took them today and need to get on them again. It sucks.
I am doing a lot to stay busy though.
AWS and PTO are keeping me plenty busy. I will be working our AWS booth in the morning from 6:30am-8:30am (probably be staying later than that) Brady has bowling from 10-11:30 and then I can breathe again.
Brady and I are going to the play at NEO tonight. I am glad he still likes doing things with me. I know there will come a day when he will be too cool to hang out with his momma, and I hope its not real soon.
We are having our school carnival in the Spring this year instead of the Fall. We thought we would change things up a bit. It will be March 31.
Next week we will be super busy getting things together so we can have a good spring break not worrying about it.
Well gotta go take out my spoiled dog, who is barking at me----whom I have taken out 4 times already today and she still hasn't gone potty!!! AAAAHHHH!
Posted by Shannon at 4:23 PM 4 comments
I stole this from Diva
notice: we don't get to go to Disneyworld!!
Posted by Shannon at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Fun Adoption Day!
Today was adoption day at the shelter and Diva and Tater brought the Brownie troup to visit us!! They brought all kinds of food and toys and snacks and everything for the animals. The puppies had lots and lots of fun playing with all the children, in fact after they left all the puppies took a long nap! Thank you Kristin & Heather & Brownies very much for all the things that you brought us!! We appreciate it!
And by the way, we had a very productive adoption day!! LOTS OF ADOPTIONS!!
Thats about all that I did today. Diva, I am sure will be posting pics--and it better not be the one of me looking stupid. LOL (which in reality could be either picture) :)
Posted by Shannon at 10:45 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Where do I begin? I haven't posted in forever. To start---I started back at the animal shelter last Thursday and worked from 11am-7pm. We had 28 dogs from a dog hoarder house. I washed dogs and was soaked! We ended up having a good adoption day.
Steves' parents got here Friday morning from Louisiana. He met them early and he and his dad unloaded the uhaul.. I was exhausted and stayed home. Steve went to sleep after that since he had worked that night. Me, Steve's mom, dad and Brady met at Walmart, did some shopping, ate at Subway and then went to look at the house they wanted to get. It was a very long weekend. I was exhausted.
Saturday Brady had bowling at 10am, he had his pizza party from basketball season at noon (they got 2nd place) and then the rest of the day we went looking at houses. Sunday we went to church, then to my parents house to eat. Monday we were out all day and then everyone came over to our house (we got a meat and cheese tray) hows that for cooking dinner???? Steve's parents left Tues morning.
Wed. I did nothing, today I got to the shelter at 11am until 5pm---I had to hurry home and take a shower because Brady had his pre-enrollment for middle school this evening at 6. We then went to ElCharro.
NOTICE--I have not started the OAMC, nor do I have any idea when it will be starting. Maybe not ever. LOL
His parents are coming again on Saturday.
My neck and back are killing me from washing puppies today so think I better go and drink my diet coke and lay on the couch!!!
Posted by Shannon at 10:05 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 13, 2006
Once a month cooking?
Has anyone ever done the OAMC? Once a month cooking? I am seriously thinking about it. I guess you are able to save a lot of money doing it this way. It would be nice to have a freezer full of food ready to heat and eat. LOL We always around the time it turns 4pm wonder what is for dinner, and then we end up spending at least $15 for dinner. Every night it gets kind of expensive. My mom was so organized --she always had every meal planned. I am turning into a bum. Just don't want to cook or anything. But then I read that someone only spent $150 a month on food for the whole month. It said if you go to the store everytime you get ready to cook a meal you spend more money. DUH thats my life story. I need to get a plan and get organized. I used to make things so easy for myself now it seems I love to make it as hard as it can be. NO more! I am driving myself crazy.
Think I am going to try the OAMC! and see how it goes. It said to at least start with 2 weeks worth.
My weeks have been going by so fast. I haven't blogged in awhile. I went to a funeral on Friday of a girl that my parents used to be neighbors with and my sister babysat when she was little. It was a very sad day for the family. She was in a terrible car accident. It is so sad when things like this happen, so sudden.
On Saturday I went to a baby shower that my sister was hosting for one of her friends. She got TONS of clothes. She will be the best dressed baby girl in Miami, let me tell ya! She did a very good job on the shower!!
We gave Trey lots of Valentine flowers and balloons today.
My inlaws are coming on Friday---really Thurs nite but we will see them Friday. They are bringing some of their things down to put in the storage unit. They plan on moving here in May.
Thats about it. I got the room primed last week. Yuk! I hate priming panneling, but it will look so much better.
Posted by Shannon at 10:28 PM 5 comments