Saturday, October 20, 2007

"R" rated movie adventure

Not having been to a rated "R" movie in quite a long time, my husband and I decide that it may, just MAY be ok to take our 12 year old son------if it is only language being the reason it is rated R. I really wanted to see this movie and there were 8-rated "R" movies showing at Joplin. What is with the industry nowadays??? I saw Diva, the kids and Diva's mom at Toys R' Us in Joplin yesterday. And Diva being the great mom she is was going to take her kids to see a movie suitable for kids. (We had already seen that one though) I told her I would let her know how the movie went............................well Kristin--it is definately NOT for kids! LOL! I asked the girl at the tickets why it was rated "R" she said for language and raunch. I thought well how much raunch could a Ben Stiller movie have? OH MY GOSH! Anyway she told us we could come out and get our money back or see another movie, but what do we do? Cover his eyes!!! It was a hilarious movie, but I missed parts because Steve and I were too busy trying to cover his eyes and ears. Now I know never, ever to take him to an "R" rating until he is old enough to go see it himself, without the parents, maybe when he is like 20.

thought I should add that no, he didn't see any of the raunch that went on. Don't want Diva to report me.............