Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I am officially becoming a "blogger"

Hello! My first official post of the blogworld. I have been reading for the last couple of days and finally decided this may help me keep my sanity. I am 38 years old and had the opportunity to go back to college to get my education degree. I am the oldest in most of my classes, there is a rare opportunity that there might be someone older. I know I am old when people call me 'mam. I despise being called this, and I know the young ones believe they are respecting their elders calling me 'mam, but ohmygosh don't call me that!!! I don't look that old I don't think. I got rid of my 80's hairdo with the big pouf thing in the front, when my sisters husband(which is small town starlit's brother, and redneck diva's cousin) commented on my pouf one day when they first got married. I have not had it since. He denies ever saying anything about the almighty pouf, but I remember it well. Thanks Keith! You changed my life. :) I am also a wife of 14 years and a mother of a wonderful 10 year old son named Brady. Which I am sure you will hear plenty about. I have great parents and a sister named Alyssa(married to Keith) and a brother, Derrel. I had my first meeting as prez tonite, and I guess it went well. Noone complained and everyone got along. I am on Spring Break! Yea! this week and I need to start getting garage sale things together tomorrow. I know the week will go by fast. Then back to the college. I wish I had finished a long, long time ago. This is all I am gonna write tonite. Don't want to use all of it in one blog. ~cya!