Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am really sucking at this. Ok, gotta start writing more. I went to the Big Casino Mon nite, saw Redneck Diva and her sis and mom. I didn't win anything! I have never won a single thing with my $10! My friend Stefanie wins all the time. I just sit and watch her win. We finally got on a penny machine, a lady stood up and walked away and Stefanie ran over there and sat down, and hurried and put her dollar in the money thing. Some of these women I swear have been there for hours and hours. They never get up! Ok, she puts her $1 in and gets it all the way up to $18. I put a dollar in (that I borrowed from her) thinking that maybe since she is on a roll I might win at least a $5, noooo I am betting like 8 pennies at a time and lose my dollar! I can't even win on a penny machine! Yes, I paid her back her $1 today in our WONDERFUL Math class. I made a 100% on a paper I turned in. Yea, maybe my grade is up to a high "D" now. HA
I took a major test last Saturday, to determine if I get to take summer classes or not. I hope I passed or it is going to mess the last part of my scholarship up. I am toooo old for this. AAAHHH!
Got to go study for Human Geography (class I don't need) OH, I didn't mention Stefanie and I are both taking 2 classes we don't need. I have to be full time for my scholarship. It is so much fun studying for a class I don't need. Promise I will write tomorrow!