Saturday, July 30, 2005

Last day of work & took the test!

I'm sitting here blogging while coloring my hair. How fun! But, on the serious side, I have gotta get this gray covered up! It is very depressing, and if it doesn't cover I am going to pull it out! How my husband loves that.
Yesterday was my very last day at the Big fancy casino. It was kind of sad leaving the friends that I made, but now I can go to ladies nite and play the machines, and still see them. Oh, and I studied and studied that night for my test (about 6hours) I took it on Tuesday, I thought I was doing good but oh no, I press the button for my score and I get a dang 171 AGAIN! I was more pissed than upset. I was too mad to be upset. I needed a 172! This is the second time I missed by ONE freakin point! I called up my husband to tell him before he went to sleep for the day, (he works nights) I was so mad. I decided to go and talk to Dr. S, who is pretty much over the ed. dept to see what could be done. I am just a horrible test taker and that is all there is to it. She was in a GOOD mood thank goodness. It is always great to catch her in one of her good moods cause if you don't you shouldn't even bother setting foot in her office. She filled out a petition for the 5% window to see if the committee would let me through. PLEASE LET ME INTO THE WINDOW! PLEASE! So I wrote my plea letter stating how hard I studied and that my sister had helped me study the time before. And I missed it by 2 points and then by 1 point TWICE! And how good of a teacher I will be and yada yada.
She said they would have the meeting in August and I would find out, and if it was ok then I would still have time to enroll for my classes and everything. She seemed optimistic so maybe she will put in a good word for me.

Have fun on your vacation Courtney! I tried to post on your blog, but my computer won't open it up.


Anonymous said...

Where are you Shannon?! I'm anxious to hear how the committe ruled on your one point shy test score. They should totally let it slide! C'mon! It's one freakin' point! Gawwwww! soon.
