Saturday, September 16, 2006

My mom

Wednesday night after we got home from play practice around 11pm we ate taco bell and then Alyssa my sister called and said that Derrel took mom to the emergency room because she was having chest pains. We rushed up there to see what was going on and when we got there they gave her about 2 grams of morphine which made here heart rate go way down. It was me, Alyssa, Keith and Derrel in there with mom and her hr kept going way down and I pushed the nurse button twice and went out there to find her---it went down from 80something to 40-30-16-7 and Alyssa saw 0 once and a question mark. I finally got a nurse and she ran in there and Clark ran in there, closed the curtains and they gave her a shot of something to counteract the morphine, they sent us away into the waiting room which of course all of us felt like we were going to throw up at this time since we had no idea what was going on. Her hr came back up pretty fast and they let us back in. Clark sent her by ambulance to Freeman in Joplin that night and we got there around 1am. We ended up spending the night in the lobby. I think I fell asleep around 4:30am for about an hour---Alyssa said I was snoring away..... owell I was exhausted!!!

Mom had a stress test that morning which she didn't pass- so they took her in for a heart cath and found that she had 3 blockages and they put 3 stints in. The doctor told us that if she had waited any longer she would have had to have open heart surgery!!! Very scary!!
She was dismissed yesterday and is feeling good. We just need to make sure she rests!
I promise I will post play pics soon. It has been very hectic lately. I saw the play last night AGAIN and also am going tonite! It's great but just warning you it is about 3hours long so plan on staying until at least 11pm!