Thursday, August 31, 2006


Thats how I am feeling today.
I am sooo tired. Linsey and I went to school all day Monday at Baxter- We went to Baxter Tues. and Wed. from 7:45-11:45 and then had class from 12:30-3pm and 12:30-3:45 on Wed. PLUS homework to do and turn in. This is going to be a very busy semester so I if I don't comment on your blogs in a while you will know why.
I am off today and tomorrow. YAY! I miss the kids terribly though already.
I love my class and my cooperating teacher. She is wonderful!!
2nd Grade is GREAT! Next week we will go on Tues, Wed, 1/2 day and all day on Friday. We have a Grandparents day program to go to and they will be in the Homecoming parade that day. FUN FUN! I love it!

Forgot to add, too, that as soon as I get home around 5pm from the drive back from PSU---we eat, Brady has play practice from 7-9pm and then we hurry home to get done what has to be done. I was going to try to sub on one of my days off, but now I think not. :)