Friday, April 14, 2006

My day

I have monitored Tues. and Wed. of this week in the elementary school for testing. I didn't realize how hard it is for me to keep quiet that long. I walked around the room not saying a word, thought I was going to go nuts!! I was supposed to substitute in the elem. school today, it got cancelled so I somehow told them I would do the high school. OH MY! Talk about a mess! A woman I know was subbing there too, and she loves the high school. I guess it just seems like kids are so different nowadays (is this really a word?) Talk Talk Talk thats all they did 3rd and 4th hours. But I guess it really didn't help that we had to watch a movie on Edgar Allen Poe and there also was the Senior talent show today too. What a day to sub! I had already told them elementary and middle school only (although ms is hard too).
Wish me luck next week--may I get good classes!!!


~ A P R I L ~ said...

I absolutely LOVED subbing at the High School! I'm so jealous! If I could have done it full time I would have!

Shannon said...

April you are a BRAVE WOMAN!
I just really do not like subbing there. I don't know why--but I would rather be at the middle school. Of course I say that now until I get called over there. :)

Politically Homeless said...

I can't imagine any problems you could possibly have with darling middle school kids. Hard? Pshaw! LOL. Subbing is hard work. I highly recommend it for those who think they know all about today's kids without ever stepping foot in school. I commend you! :)

Shannon said...

Brian-Thanks! I totally agree! I subbed today and I still like middle school better, but it is very hard work, and I would love to share my knowledge and pleasure of subbing with everyone. LOL Kids have changed soooo much. And it all starts at home.

Queen Of Cheese said...

I could not would not sub grade school kids, my kids are grade school kids, just can't go there! Middle school/High school kids I can handle. I can usually intimidate them into behaviour but little kids scare me!!!!