Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Well Crud! I didn't get to vote today!! I am very bummed. But Brad Henry has pretty much won Governor again so thats good with me!
I went to school @ Baxter this morning, and then on to PSU to class and was planning on voting as soon as I got home. I went to Big Lots today since I got out of class early and I hadn't been to Big Lots in about 2 years. I love going there! Anyways I went and then on my way home on main street in Pittsburg, the car decides to die. I call the husband because it is obviously not going to start again. I tried and tried, then finally put it in neutral and started trying to push it to a parking place. 2 girls are walking out to their car and come over to help me, thank goodness! This started around 5pm. Then that leaves me trying to get the hood open. This is no ordinary hood with the little latch under the hood that you pull up. I never can get this one open. So this guy shows up and asks if I need help--thank you guy!! he checks my oil and transmission fluid, and all looks good, he thinks it is my spark plugs. So then my husband can't come and get me because we need some front tires for our other car. He goes to get tires and then gets to Pitt around 7:15 pm. In the meantime I have walked from 7th and Broadway all the way to Braums---around 11 blocks. He picks me up and we finally get home around 8somethingish. I am exhausted. I was supposed to do homework, but I am not. Gotta go iron now-- 5:30 am comes very early.
Oh, and so thats why I didn't get to vote!!!!


~ A P R I L ~ said...

I see you switched over to the new beta blogger. I did it a while back and I freakin' hate it. You have to sign in before you can leave comments and it's a major pain. You can't just leave a quick note to people.... Oh well. Technology.