Thursday, November 23, 2006


I really hope all goes well tomorrow.
Thanksgiving at our house is usually a relaxing, normal, food-eating, football watching, napping, visiting fun time.

This year I just hope that politics does NOT get mentioned and everything should be ok. We are not eating at my moms this year since we thought dad was going to be away working, we had already had a Thanksgiving earlier.

The last couple of weeks have been very stressful. We (my mom and I) had decided not to mention anything about the democrats taking over the house since my inlaws are full fledged republicans. So after church a couple of weeks ago it has to be mentioned that the "tyrants" had taken over the house, and how Bush has a higher IQ than Kerry. OMYGosh. Who the heck cares what IQ he has. Just because he has a higher IQ, if he does, it doesn't mean he has any common sense, which he most certainly doesn't. :)so there!

Church is just not the place to discuss it. Ya, and I also went and smoked a cigarette as soon as I got home. I hate politics! A little rant there!

Things I am thankful for:
*My family
*My boys & husband
*Shae my doggie & Rufus kitty
*First Christian Church
*The Carte committee at PSU for granting me permission to continue school
*My health
*Strength and courage to get through this past year
*My second-graders
*My husbands job