Sunday, July 16, 2006

WARNING: Don't read if you are eating or easily grossed out!!

Remember..........................I am warning you now!!! :)

Has anyone ever done this? I was on the low carb board looking around and they were talking about this. I had to check it out.

I just don't know!! It makes you want to do it, but then there's the I really want to know??? So then I had to call and share it with my mom--who was enthuised. LOL! not really but we had fun reading the stories together. My husband was sort of grossed out and wanted me to shut up about it and was glad he was going to work tonite so he wouldn't have to listen to me, Brady didn't want to hear about it anymore, I want to call my sis and her husband but now it is toooo late. I will tell them tomorrow! :)

Here it is: be sure not to forget to click on picture gallery and read the testimonials ewwwwieieieieieee!


Anonymous said...

Ewww! What if we're supposed to have some of that, pardon the pun, crap in our bodies. Some of those pictures looked like someone had pooped out their guts. Yuck! Are you going to take this stuff? If you do remember to take pictures!


Shannon said...

I told my mom she needed to be the first one to do it!!! HAHA and let us know what comes out! :)
That is so gross!

~ A P R I L ~ said...

Yes, our colon is the junk drawer of our body. Sick.

But I agree with Courtney, if ya do it, take pictures! LOL

Redneck Diva said...

Thank you for giving me something to do for AN HOUR AND A HALF last night. I couldn't quit reading the testimonies and yes, looking at the pictures! Tater came in and and I told her about it, then of course, SHE had to check it all out, too. She said, "Well, take me out there and show me the buttworms." We were both sitting here at my computer getting nauseated, yet we couldn't stop.

Strangely enough, my mother is way into herbal stuff and has used a product similar to this and has actually passed some worms of her own. I know. Gross.

Then as I was about to drift off to sleep last night, my stomach gurgled and my last conscious thought was, "Goodnight, buttworms."

Redneck Diva said...

You know, as I was re-reading this comment, I realize that I wrote "my mother" when it should've been "my mother in law". Oh my GOSH if my mother thought for one second that anyone thought she'd passed a buttworm she'd KILL me!! So just for the record, my mother has never passed a buttworm. To my knowledge, anyway.